
It's NOT a diet! It's a way of life...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Green Gloop! I said Green Gloop!

My insides are a mess as we all know so Dr. T has me drinking a cup of steamed pureed vegetables twice a day, every day. Ha ha I thought some people might be interested in learning how to not only get their daily veggies in but also how to strengthen their stomach lining.

A handful of spinach
A handful of green beans
Some celery
Some parsley
Some zucchini
(All of it in equal amounts, and preferably all organic)

Dr. T suggested I put in other things to give it more flavor. I tried garlic and then decided it's easier for this picky eater to choke down the less flavor it has.

Steam it. Then put it all (including the water) into the blender. Blend, blend, blend! I don't like mine chunky at all so I blend it until the zucchini peel (dark green dots) are really small. I usually make enough for 2 days worth and then I just keep it in the fridge. When I'm ready to drink it I put some sea salt in it and then warm it up. So hot that I can barely get it down without burning myself, for some reason that really helps. Lean over the sink just in case, and chug it. Make sure you have something to eat after like...fruity flavored rice cakes. I promise after a week of it you'll stop gagging afterwards and a cup will go by really fast :) Just think the whole time how beautiful your insides are getting!!

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