
It's NOT a diet! It's a way of life...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Veggie Smoothie

This is for you healthy lovin' people

- 1/2 avocado
- 1/2 carrot
- 1 roma tomato
- 2 inches of cucumber
-handful of spinach leaves
- cilantro
-basil (optional)
-cayenne pepper
-boiling water to thing

add sea salt and pepper to taste.

Orange Juice and Spinach?

- 1/2 apple
-1/2 banana
- 1 small carrot
- handful of spinach leaves
- orange juice

Berry Smoothie

My mom made this for me every day when I got my wisdom teeth taken out. It's good :)

-1/2 apple
-1/2 pear
-1/2 banana
- 3-4 frozen strawberries
-1/4 c. frozen blue berries
- 1 keylime peeled or squeezed
- 1 large tablespoon of cranberry juice concentrate
-water or milk to thin out

Soy Chicken Rice

Along with finding out I can have gluten I found I can't a bunch of other things and I was feeling kinda blue about it so my mom suggest I make a simple comforting meal, just to remind myself the world, no matter how dramatic I am, isn't ending.

1 cup of rice- brown or quinoa
some precooked chicken
soy sauce

I cooked my rice in my rice cooker, cut up my chicken in little pieces. Mix that together then put some soy sauce on it. Ta-Dah!

What they say is true, the simplest stuff makes the biggest difference! It made me full too :)


I found out that I can have gluten!

...I know what you're thinking but don't worrry I'm not leaving you high and dry I promise.

I can only have it every other day and want to avoid as much as possible...